Feb 7, 2011

recipe: Milanese risotto

I found the rice for risotto at Rina store in soho.

1. Melt the butter in a large wide heavy-based pan. Add the finely chopped onion and garlic and cook until softened but not browned.
2. Add the rice(Arborio, without wash) and reduce the heat to low. Season and stir briefly to thoroughly coat the rice. Add saffron (or turmeric) and white wine to the rice.
3. Increase the heat and cook,stirring until all the liquid has been absorbed.
4. Stir in a ladleful of the simmering stock and cook over moderate heat, stirring continuously.
5. When all of the stock has been absorbed, stir in another ladleful. Continue like this for about 20 mins, until all stock has been absorbed and bring the rice to al dente.
6. Stir in a handful of Parmesan cheese.

recipe: pork in lemon and white wine

1. Place pork between two sheet of plastic wrap and pound with mallet until an even thickness. Lightly dust each side with flour.
2. Heat the olive oil and butter in a large frying pan. Fry pork over moderately high heat for about 2 mins on each side, or until golden.
3. Add the white wine to the pan, increase the heat to high and boil until there are just 3-4 tablespoon of liquid left.
4. Add the stock and boil for 4-5 mins or until it has reduced and slightly thickened.
5. Add lemon juice and capers and cook, stirring for 1 min.
6. Sprinkle with parsley and serve at once.

Feb 6, 2011

Broadway market

London Fields にあるBroadway market、ふつうのマーケットに比べて小さい規模で人もそこまで居なかった。雰囲気はFlower marketに似てるかな。若いオシャレさんが沢山いて、夏になるとlondon fields(公園)にはピクニックする人で埋めつくされてるとのこと。今年の夏はこの周辺に引っ越そうと思っているからそしたらしょちゅう行けるな。


今日はマーケットに出店していたHandmadeの化粧品を買ったよ。Honey, Rose, Geraniium, Lavenderなどなどすべてナチュラルなものから作られているのだと。イギリスの化粧品は使うのが怖かったけどこれはdry skinの私の肌にもとっても合う。クリームは固めで好き。

Feb 2, 2011

day three in Venice

restrant: AL DOSE


This trip is short time using just 3days off so very quickly past as I thought. The last day sun appeared & give us a much of energy than last 2 days. I think about that I want to explore the place where is hidden or rooted rocal all the time. I believe that nothing special area for the people living there is special for me. So I walked around out of central, south west in Venice.
One of most important purpose was Bar which has many wines from Italy or some are from Venice and some kind of Tapas. The Bar is called Cantine del vino, photo in above. I had a glass of "spiritz" and a few tapas firstly. I saw many neighbors drinks it.That was a bit bitter. And then had a sparkling wine "Prosecco", it was a dry wine. I really like dry wine so lovely! Normally people drink it at night time, after 5 I think but I did it around 2 pm. Despite afternoon but many people came to there and had some tapas and wines inside bar and beside canal. I absolutely come over there again! love there.

I was very sad when I had to leave from my friend's place. It was much worth spending good time.I want to say Thank you very much to my friend

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